Mixed-use development in Sluisbuurt, Amsterdam
PATCHWORK, Sluisbuurt Kavel 5A1, Amsterdam →
Singer Laren
A public foyer and theatre addition to the Singer museum complex.
De Woeker Theatre, Oudenaarde →
New culture site in Oudenaarde, Belgium.
A sustainable masterplan and transformation of a former fortress island.
Kunstencampus Asse →
Art campus in Asse, Belgium.
KAF Art Space
Transformation of a contemporary monument into an art space.
Community Centre Zandhoven
A community centre with library in a rural town in Flandres.
Museum Arnhem
A new underground extension on the banks of the Rijn river.
De Appel Arts Centre
Transformation of 17th century house to centre for contemporary art.
De Kleine Komedie
Transformation of an 18th century theatre.